Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR)
Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR)
Safekeeping is where an asset owner elects to place that asset in the care of an Agent (in custody with a fiduciary), usually a Bank or a Financial Institution and receives an acknowledgement from the caretaker / fiduciary as to their “Safekeeping” of that asset. The asset owner may elect to have such an acknowledgement sent to a third party. A fee may be required for these services.
The various assets that can be held in such arrangements range from: Shares, Bonds, Real Estate, Titles to properties, Precious Metals, Oil and Natural Reserves, among others.
The owner of a SKR may monetize this instrument much like a SBLC, Bond or BG and use these funds as an alternative funding source for projects.
REL Investments Group offers a wide range of consulting services for clients seeking to raise financial instruments are widely used in international practice.