Pakistan GDP grows 2.09% in Q3, supported by agriculture

Pakistan’s economy grew 2.09 per cent in the third quarter of the financial year 2023-2024, supported by higher growth in agriculture, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics said in a press release.

The estimated provisional growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) for the financial year ending June 2024 is 2.38 per cent, the bureau said in a statement. That compares with a revised 0.21 per cent economic contraction in the 2023 year when political unrest, a combination of tax and gas tariff hikes, controlled imports, and a steep fall in the rupee currency rapidly pushed up inflation.

Last week in its half yearly report, Pakistan’s central bank projected real GDP growth of 2 to 3 per cent for the fiscal year 2024.

There was no comparable year-ago third quarter GDP data as Pakistan only began releasing quarterly growth numbers from November. That was done in compliance with the structural benchmarks of the current US$3 billion bailout programme agreed with the International Monetary Fund and completed last month.

The bureau revised the first and second quarter GDP estimates for financial year 2023-2024 to 2.71 per cent and 1.79 per cent respectively, compared to earlier estimates of 2.5 per cent and 1 per cent.

The provisional 2024 financial year growth in agriculture was estimated at 6.25 per cent, and 1.21 per cent for both industry as well as services, it added.

“The healthy growth of agriculture is mainly due to double-digit growth in important crops”, the bureau said, adding that bumper crop of wheat, cotton, and rice contributed to the positive result.